New Call Of Legends Pokemon Cards

By Joey DiGiacomo

Reprints! That’s right the new Pokemon cards will be nothing but reprints. They have been out for just a few days, and I have opened about five packs. I did not get one holographic card. I hope this does not happen to people that always buy cards. There is a lack of new artwork, but I am sure there is some. The starters that are common in this set are Totodile, Chikorita, and Cyndaquil. The artwork in these cards can not be any older than two years. The holographic card that I am looking for is a card that I already got in reverse holographic form, it is Deoxys. That card has great and very detailed artwork, and looks amazing.
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Why Collect Pokemon?

By Phil Broadbent


So, whether you are reading this before or after the ‘Pokemon Card Collecting’ article, this article is meant to provide some encouragement and reasons of becoming a collector.

It’s a Hobby!

“A hobby is an activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation, often in one’s spare time.”

Collecting is a hobby! It gives you plenty to do, which are described across the next few sections. It’s fun, and certainly is rewarding. Yes it can be repetitive, but I, and many others, firmly believe it is worth it.

The Community!

I have yet to meet an unpleasant collector! Of all the people I have talked to through my years of collecting I haven’t met anyone who I haven’t liked. Of course, you don’t generally talk to eBay sellers, but members of communities such as are very nice.
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The Facts About Pokemon Luxray GL Lv. X

By Jack Borkowski

Luxray GL lv.x, the most difficult Lv.x to get is commonly referred to “the best card in our format”. Well to be honest I disagree, yeah I know some people will think differently to me but seriously I disagree completely. I’m going to go over the pros and cons of this card and overall answer “is this card worth getting”. First let’s go over the card in general. It’s poke-power Bright Look is probably the best poke-power in the game. It lets you pick one of the opponents benched pokemon and bring it up to the active spot. This can really annoy your opponent by bringing up a pokemon with a high retreat cost. You can also bring up a pokemon with low hp and K.O it.

Now the attack is where this card puts me off a little. It’s attack Flash Impact does 60 damage with a lightning energy and a energy gain but it also does 30 damage to one of your bench pokemon. This is terrible with cards like garchomp c lv.x in our format and even doing damage to your pokemon is bad overall. Another bad thing is the cost of the card itself. People are selling them for $80 each which is over the top.
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Pokemon Card Collecting

By Phil Broadbent

Originating in October 1996 Pokemon TCG (Trading Card Game) has been a popular market sector for a wide range of aged people. Whether it be Collecting, Playing, Trading or Selling, the Cards have provided many hours of fun.

This guide is aimed towards those of you who collect the cards, and will hopefully aid you to further expand your Pokémon Card Collection.

Below shows a table of contents so you can visit the appropriate section!


–          So What Cards Can I Buy?

–          Japanese Vs English

–          Where Can I Buy Cards From?

o        eBay!

o        Yahoo!

o        Japan Dedicated Websites!

–          Summary How Do I Store My Cards?

–          What Cards Do I Want?

–          Summary
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