The Hunt For Pokemon Merchandise

By Sam Clements (Almiraswolf)

I started collecting Pokemon items in 1999 when it first started to
hit the UK and become a craze. Despite the popularity, merchandise
levels started to fall within less than 3 years and it became harder
and harder to find items. The Pokemon games released every few years
would kick start the craze again but the UK never got as wide a
variety of merchandise as Japan.

When I started doing more shopping online, I began to find a variety
of sources for collecting more hard to find and exclusive items. The
biggest and perhaps most well known place to look is Ebay – with users
all over the world buying and selling collectibles (some so rare that
they can go for thousands of pounds sterling/dollars). Despite being
the biggest resource it can also be difficult to distinguish items
that are the real deal from fakes. I generally try and stick to buying
items from sellers that are located in Japan rather than say China to
try and avoid possible bootlegs.
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