Japanese Pokemon Card Series SM5+ Ultra Force to be released January 19th

The latest addition to the Japanese Pokemon card Sun & Moon series is scheduled for release in Japan, on January 19, 2018. This set is called SM5+ Ultra Force.

This set will have some additions that previous sets have not had. Sinnoh’s water-type gym leader Wake will make an appearance,  as well as some new trainer cards, Ultra Space, Steel Frying Pan and Ultra Recon Squad. Buzzwole will also have a brand new card.

In addition, there will be several cards that have an alternate type. Empoleon (originally a water type) will be reprinted as a metal type, Magnezone (originally a lightning type) will be a metal type, Abomasnow (originally a water type) will be a grass type, Infernape (originally a fire type) will be a fighting type, Palkia GX (originally a dragon type) will be a water type, Torterra (originally a grass type) will be a fighting type and possibly more to come. These will of course be available on Pokevault on January 19th as soon as they are released.
