Here Comes The Trubbish Squad! Summary And Review


Hey guys! It’s that time again. Today, I’ll be doing a summary and review of the 12th episode of the Pokemon Black and White series. Ash, Iris, and Cilan continue their journey to Nacrene City, when they suddenly see a group of Kindergarteners riding their tricycles approaching them. The kids throw dirt balls, hitting Ash and Cilan. Two ladies run up and apologize on behalf of the kids. We see a brief interruption by the Sandile with sunglasses. The women bring back our heroes to their daycare center, where they introduce themselves. Carina is the elderly woman, and Daniella is her granddaughter.

The two explain the situation of how the kids found a Trubbish in a nearby junkyard. The children fell in love with it and dubbed themselves, the “Trubbish Squad.” The kids wanted it to stay with them in the class, but Daniella refused, saying that it is too dirty and smelly to be allowed in a classroom. The Trubbish Squad constructs a secret base in a tree house surrounded by trash from the junkyard. Ash volunteers to try to reason with them, but only gets caught.

Ash and the Squad get to talking and the kids are instantly attracted to Pikachu. Avery is revealed to be the leader of the group and he eventually gives back Ash’s signature hat (Ash lost it at the start of the episode). A cut scene shows Team Rocket waiting at a train station. They are met by an unknown man who delivers a case containing some meteorite. Back at the clubhouse, Trubbish releases some of its smell, thus forcing Ash and the others to go outside. A few moments later, the sunglass-wearing Sandile appears and is hostile towards them. Pikachu and Trubbish are able to defeat the Sandile.

The others become impatient and confront Ash and the children. Daniella won’t tolerate their behavior and sends out her Deerling. Ash has a change of heart and sides with Avery and the others by having Pikachu battle. A big problem develops when Deerling accidentally gets knocked into some junk, which makes the entire surrounding unstable. Everyone must work together in order to protect the children. After the situation is safe and clear, Daniella agrees to allow Trubbish to stay with them. As our heroes get ready to set off, Carina entrusts an egg to Ash.
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