By Harry Ackerman
I decided to make this one a 5th generation exclusive article, so all 4 Pokemon I cover in this article will be from the new 5th generation. 🙂 In case you’re wondering I will make exclusive articles for the rest of the generations too, but probably not right away.
Anywho like always I’ll be talking about other good natures for your Pokemon to have if it doesn’t have that one specific best nature recommended by someone or somewhere, what some bad natures could be, and some nice attacks (in my opinion at least) for them to know. 🙂
Just keep in mind this isn’t 100% accurate because the most beneficial nature for a Pokemon to have can be highly dependent on what moves you teach it.
For this 5th generation exclusive article I will talk about Reuniclus, Victini, Excadrill and Unfezant. 🙂
So first off Reuniclus, my favorite jelly Pokemon. :3
Reuniclus’ highest stat is Special Attack with 125, so a nature that boosts that stat would be the best, and with a Speed stat of 30 (being its worst stat) that would be the best to drop. So the best nature for a Reuniclus to have is Quiet, but any stat that is boosting Special Attack would be good for the awesome psychic jelly buddy. 🙂
As for attacks like almost every psychic type Pokemon, Psychic is one of the best moves you can teach Reuniclus. A few more decent special attacks you could teach it are Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Future Sight, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam, and possibly Hidden Power depending on what type it is. Just make sure you teach it Psychic!
I wouldn’t recommended you teach Reuniclus physical moves because it’s Special Attack is so much higher than its Attack, but if you absolutely must teach it a physical move the only good one it can learn is Dizzy Punch. Psyshock would be quite a bit better if you want your Reuniclus to know a physical damaging move though, since it’s a special attack that does physical damage.
Now I honestly think that teaching your Reuniclus Pain Split would be a bad idea, because of Reuniclus’s high base HP you’d have to wait until its health is really really low to get any sort of healing benefit out of that move. If you want your Reuniclus to know a healing move then teach it Recover (learned at level 24).
The attack Trick Room is a must to teach your Reuniclus, especially if the nature your Reuniclus has lowers its Speed stat, because this attack makes fast Pokemon slow and slow ones fast, and because Reuniclus is so slow you can see how this attack would be beneficial.
Substitute coupled with Recover is another great move combo as well because of Reuniclus’s high HP.
Continue reading “Pokemon Attacks And Natures #3”